Our landscape strategy at NMIS aligns with the wider masterplan and urban realm, our team of Landscape Architects created a coherent scheme that fits perfectly into the overall development.
Hexagonal grass landforms provide a distinct contrast with the colour and form of this landmark building.
The Planting Concept
Planting within the development is split into six main categories; Native hedgerow planting on the boundary, native shrub planting with specimen trees help to incorporate the new building into its context.
Ornamental shrub and herbaceous planting, rain gardens, natural planting to the Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) landscape and specimen tree planting are featured as you exit and move out of the building.
The planting concept dovetails and complements the planting proposals around the adjacent works at Netherton Square.
Species were selected for seasonal interest, form and ecological enhancement and the planting palette carefully considered to address issues of bird strike mitigation associated with the adjacent Glasgow Airport following review of the Bird Hazard Management Plan. The new landscape also features hexagonal grass landforms that provide a distinct contrast with the colour and form of this landmark building.
A sustainable drainage strategy for the development was developed in conjunction with the civil engineer. The system consists of permeable paving to car parking areas, rain gardens to hard landscape spaces, SuDS tree pits and an attenuation area to sustainably treat surface water runoff from the building roof.
The landscape design also includes a bespoke designed cycle shelter located close to the main entrance and encouraging active travel to this world class facility.