Planning has been approved for the landmark Fairwater Campus project in Cardiff, Wales.
“Fairwater Campus is an exciting project that aims to set the standard for mainstream and ALN education in Wales following the implementation of the new curriculum.”
Based upon a vision developed by Cardiff Council following the introduction of the new Curriculum for Wales by the Welsh Government, the scheme will co-locate three schools onto the existing Cantonian High School site in Fairwater, Cardiff. Although differing in their cohorts, the three schools – Cantonian High School, Woodlands Secondary ALN (Additional Learning Needs) School and Riverbank Primary ALN School – share a commitment to excellence that will be nurtured via the new spaces being provided within this scheme.
This unique school campus project will bring together over 2000 staff and students to become one of the largest and most educationally advanced institutions within the UK. Through careful and creative collaboration with ISG, HLM Architects has developed a scheme that aims to create an inclusive and inspiring, net-zero carbon in operation facility that is rich in biodiversity and will enable the breadth of education that the new curriculum envisions. This includes providing outdoor learning spaces, such as sensory gardens and allotments, and university-style multidisciplinary teaching spaces.
Formed of three distinct wings and a separate Health and Wellbeing Block, the design aims to foster each school’s individual character whilst promoting cohesion and collaboration. Flexibility, durability, and safeguarding were also key drivers in the design to develop a campus that will work for its users for years to come. As part of this, the campus will be open to the community to provide high quality facilities as part of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. These facilities include multiple all-weather sports pitches and an indoor climbing wall, as well as an ‘Artist in Residence’ studio space and community café.
Gina Callaghan, Lead Architect for the scheme said:
“Fairwater Campus is an exciting project that aims to set the standard for mainstream and ALN education in Wales following the implementation of the new curriculum. The team believe this project will benefit prospective students and the local community through its wide range of facilities, and we are happy to have received the support of the council via this planning approval. We look forward to bringing the scheme to completion over the next couple of years and welcoming everyone to the campus at the end of 2025.”
Claire Wakelin, Director and Head of Education, commented: “HLM are very proud to collaborated with the all the partners in the project to deliver what we believe will be truly transformational for the schools and inspirational for future students.”