We’re committed to a more sustainable built environment for future generations and our aim is bold and ambitious: Everything we design by 2025 will meet the RIBA 2030 Sustainable Outcomes.
With the built environment accounting for 39% of global carbon emissions, we recognise our collective responsibility to create places which significantly reduce the impact on the world. Through our ‘Thoughtful Design’ culture, we have reinforced our passionate belief in making every project as sustainable as possible. We support our clients to make informed choices which will impact positively on our climate, support the health and wellbeing of our communities, and protect the biodiversity of our natural systems.
Adopting the targets and approach set out by the RIBA in their 2030 Sustainable Outcomes Guide, we are determined to guide and influence our clients as responsible advisors to commission projects that achieve these targets, and have set ourselves a bold and ambitious goal that all projects designed in our studios will be capable of meeting these targets by 2025.
Our aim is simple: to deliver the highest performing buildings which have a positive impact on the lives of those who use them, and a positive impact on the world for future generations.

Our Design Approach
A focussed approach centered around the RIBA Sustainable Outcomes.
Our design approach focuses on the 8 RIBA themes covering environmental, social and economic sustainability:
• Net Zero Operational Carbon
• Net Zero Embodied Carbon
• Sustainable Water Cycle
• Sustainable Connectivity and Transport
• Sustainable Land Use & Ecology
• Good Health & Wellbeing
• Sustainable Communities and Social Value
• Sustainable Life Cycle Cost
We have developed strategies and design principles for each of these themes aligned to the RIBA Plan of Work, ensuring that they are embedded in our thinking. We have a suite of tools to ensure we define, develop and assess clients’ building projects in an evidence-based way. Find out more on our Thoughtful Design Toolkit on our Digital and Innovation page.

Our Services
We offer a wide range of services to our clients which can be adapted to suit the needs and aspirations of a project, including:
- Sustainability Briefing
- Passive Design Analysis
- Parametric Environmental Modelling
- PassivHaus Consultancy
- BREEAM Assessment
- Whole Life Carbon and Cost Assessment
- Embodied Carbon Analysis
- Sustainable Urban Drainage
- Urban Green Factor Calculations
- Post Occupancy Evaluation
Here’s a look at some of our sustainable projects that are either completed or ongoing, helping us achieve our commitment to a more sustainable built environment.