HLM Architects has developed a concept called the Living Street that is entirely free from motorised transport. Applied to new masterplan projects, this Living Street offers a solution to placemaking and community cohesion and allows for all abilities and ages to move freely between their homes and local activations such as schools, shops, green spaces and places of employment.
The Living Street has potential to radically recast existing approaches to vehicle dominated ‘spine road’ favoured by current masterplans.
By removing vehicles from this people friendly route, the Living Street pioneers an environmentally sensitive future focused on human wellbeing. Safe car-free spaces encourage cycling and walking – bike stores are conveniently and securely located next to front doors. The street connects into other landscaped active travel routes. The landscape incorporates rain gardens and swales to sustainably manage rainwater and to promote biodiversity.
Designs for the Living Street would vary depending on the brief, location, density and tenure of the project. Importantly the street would pass through from new communities through to existing ones.