This Wednesday sees the launch of the second edition of the DfMA Overlay to the RIBA Plan of Work (PoW).
“Perhaps the most important lesson that clients and design teams should initially implement is to start off on the right foot by appointing appropriately experienced and qualified team members at project initiation to ‘Think: Offsite’”
The adoption of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) principles in construction has become much more widespread since the first edition, which was published back in 2016 to accompany the 2013 version of the RIBA Plan of Work. This update builds on policy and learning to encourage Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) to be a default consideration at the commencement of all projects, rather than always taking a ‘traditional’ approach.
Targeted at all parties involved in the procurement, design, delivery and management of building construction projects of all scales and across all sectors, the publication seeks to provide clarity on what needs to be considered to achieve successful outcomes, and what should be done differently in each of the eight stages of the PoW in order to maximise the benefits that MMC/Offsite can afford.
Whilst it is acknowledged that a DfMA approach to building is evolving and may not be a panacea for the multifarious shortcomings in the construction industry, the opportunities to reduce programme, improve Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ), and address skills shortages, whilst balancing cost and performance, must not be underestimated.
Dan Brown, Head of MMC Delivery, has been part of the consultation group working on the report and he comments that “the new DfMA overlay to the RIBA PoW provides much useful information, but perhaps the most important lesson that clients and design teams should initially implement is to start off on the right foot by appointing appropriately experienced and qualified team members at project initiation to ‘Think: Offsite’ and collaborate to develop and deliver appropriate strategies for MMC.”
Register to join The Supply Chain Sustainability School launch event at 10am on 15th September 2021: https://learn.supplychainschool.co.uk/local/tlactionplans/resource_intro.php?id=6828&modtype=tlevent.