As part of National Apprenticeship Week #NAW2021, we’re chatting to people within the business who are or have developed their skills and career via an apprenticeship. Today, we catch up with Marie Hadfield as she embarks on the Marketing Executive Apprenticeship (Level 4) course.

1. How long have you been with HLM?
Over 20 years!!

2. What role did you come into HLM to do?
I came in to HLM as a project secretary, then moved to more of a PA role, and then really just fell into a marketing role which developed from assisting in putting together bid documents. It’s fair to say I’ve undertaken most administrative roles within HLM before turning my hand to marketing!

3. What first interested you in marketing?
I first got involved in pulling together bid and tender documents which was my first dip into marketing. I really enjoyed the more creative side of pulling the documents together to start with, but quickly realised that in this role I could learn a lot about HLM, the projects and people – I especially enjoyed working with different people across the business on varied projects.

4. What made you want to gain a qualification in marketing?
Having undertaken a marketing role at HLM for a number of years I wanted to learn more about the theory and processes of marketing so I can use these skills to develop my role further.

5. Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship instead of the traditional route into the profession like a degree? Did you already know about the apprenticeship route or did someone at HLM tell you about it?
I like the flexibility of an apprenticeship – I didn’t realise I was eligible for an apprenticeship until this was mentioned to me by a colleague, I thought I was too old for this route, but was delighted to hear that this is now open to all ages. I also like how it links back to my role, so although I’m learning the theory behind the marketing processes I can also apply this directly and straight away to my role on a daily basis.

6. Which University/College has provided the course?
The Professional Academy – a leading provider of training and qualifications in marketing, digital marketing, sales management and leadership.

7. You’ve just embarked on your course, what are your initial feelings/thoughts about the course?
I am really excited about doing this course although I’m also a bit nervous as I’ve not been in education for a number of years – so I’m out of practice. I’ve just completed my first Workshop and really enjoyed it and I’m already looking forward to the next one.

8. Describe a typical day at HLM, tasks you are given and how your role has developed
I don’t really have a typical day my role is so varied. One day I’m producing content for a brochure, another day I’m looking at marketing budgets! I started out at HLM as a Project Secretary which then led to a Personal Assistant role. As the need for secretarial support decreased I found myself moving more towards a marketing role starting out assisting in putting together bid documents for new work. My role then developed from there to Marketing Executive where I assist a regional and sector team with all marketing activities.

9. What projects have you been involved in that you are particularly proud of?
It was great to be involved and assist in pulling together the bid document and presentations for the Heart of the City Project in Sheffield. It was a great piece of work that I think everyone that worked on it was proud of, and what a great feeling for us to go on and win the project. I’m also particularly proud to be part of a committee that organises the Sheffield Charity Construction Ball. The Ball has been running since 2001 and has raised almost £300,000 for local charities – extremely rewarding and I’m so lucky that my role allows me to be part of this.

10. Has anyone at HLM helped shape and influence your personal development?
Many people over the years. I’ve worked with Karen Mosley and Nick Beecroft since I started at HLM over 20 years ago and they have always supported me in my personal development. Delia Harmston joined the HLM team a few years ago as Sheffield Studio Lead and really helped me to push myself further and believed in my ability more than I did! More recently I have to thank Rebecca Ball, Marketing and Communications Lead as I wouldn’t be doing this apprenticeship if it wasn’t for her help and support – she has inspired me and given me the confidence to do it.

11. What do you hope to achieve through doing this course?
I’m hoping to gain the skills and knowledge that I need to progress my role within the marketing team to a higher level.

For more information on the Marketing Executive Apprenticeship (Level 4) course that Marie is doing, please click here

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