Alethea has been with HLM since 2002 as a graduate Landscape Architect, and in January 2018 was appointed Associate Director, managing staff and projects within the landscape team. Alethea engages across the HLM sectors, with extensive experience in Education, Healthcare, Defence, Custodial and Living.

As a landscape architect, Alethea has over 19 years’ experience working within a multi-disciplinary environment and has successfully delivered projects, understanding the importance of early engagement with other disciplines for the success of a scheme.

Alethea is passionate about creating environments which have a positive impact on people’s lives; landscapes that embrace wellbeing, promote health, aid recovery and support development through learning and play, promoting connection with nature.

Did you know?
Like other landscape architects, Alethea likes to go exploring great ideas, from the city to the countryside, parks, and gardens. She also likes to go foraging for sloes to make homemade sloe gin.


Thoughts and Views

11.07.24 | HLM News

Newly Qualified Architect in the Cardiff studio

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Web Banner Trent
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A landscape design for all

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05.09.23 | HLM News

Therapeutic Landscapes for Healthcare Environments

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28.04.22 | HLM News

The Value of Landscape in Healthcare Design

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20.10.21 | HLM News

Healthy Landscapes, Public Realm and Placemaking

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HLM Architects interview with Alethea Ottewell Landscape Architect
31.08.21 | HLM News

Quick Fire Questions with Alethea Ottewell, Associate Director – Landscape

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21.05.20 | HLM News

How sensitive design can improve mental health

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