The HLM Landscape team carefully developed proposals for the reservoir restoration works at Wimbledon Park, London encouraging nature-based solutions and ecological gains from the outset. Sensitively designed to become wilder, more biodiverse, and resilient to climate change whilst still enhancing the cultural identity and function of the Park. Full planning permission was granted with a key project driver of ensuring compliance with the Reservoirs Act 1975.
Design Approach
A key driver for the landscape design approach has been to specify low maintenance, cost effective solutions which enhances the parks quality and character in order to allow the public and the other partner landowners to continue to use and benefit from all park amenities safely, and to continue to enjoy Brown’s visionary legacy aesthetic ‘sense of place’ for as long as possible
The site, a designated Metropolitan Open Land, Grade II* Listed park in the heart of South West London designed by Capability Brown in the 1760s, is located within Wimbledon Park in the London Borough of Merton. The public park not only forms the greater part of the site but, extends beyond its eastern edge to the District Line.
The park is home to a number of facilities including playing fields, athletics stadium, bowling greens, ornamental gardens, café, tennis courts and children’s play area. Immediately to the west there are two arms of the golf course (with scattered trees and woodland) separated by Wimbledon Park Lake.
In addition, the hard and soft planting palettes have been carefully selected to maximise a net gain for biodiversity and habitat enhancement.
Full planning permission was granted for the reservoir restoration works at Wimbledon Park, London. A key project driver of ensuring compliance with the Reservoirs Act 1975.