Sector Overview
At its core our Regeneration sector is about making assets work for the people who use them. We go beyond design, using architecture and creative thinking to drive value – both social and economic – from our client’s estate and people.
We’re proud to see the positive impact that driving transformational change can have on local communities. Our experience in working with multiple stakeholders to both preserve and breathe new life and energy into existing places is what inspires us to innovate, collaborate and create truly transformational architecture.
Olivia Jackson is our Regeneration Lead at HLM Architects.
Click here to download our Regeneration Brochure.

Watford Town Hall
An exciting regeneration opportunity looking to reinvigorate a disconnected town centre area and re-purpose the Grade II listed Watford Town Hall to provide a contemporary workspace for the council alongside space for the arts and other public sector or commercial partners. HLM were commissioned to assist with the Strategic Outline Business case providing initial plans and visualisations which enabled to team to assess viability, economic impact and potential funding routes.
The proposal looked to introduce significant landscape and architectural interventions as well as considering the town hall’s wider role in the overall civic masterplan. This project has the opportunity to catalyse culture on a much wider scale and will be a way of drawing people into the area from key transport hubs, inspiring and growing the next generation of talent and nurturing the creative industry networks in Watford.

Darnall, Sheffield
HLM was commissioned to facilitate the engagement programme for a new community facility in the Darnall neighbourhood of Sheffield. The needs of local residents and hopes for the future of the area were established through a series of workshops The residents were also asked about their hopes for the future of the area.
These ideas were translated into a proposal for a new Wellbeing Hub, which set out to provide a much-needed focus for the area. The hub will be situated adjacent to a new public space that can be used as events such as markets – a key request from residents during the consultation workshops.
Large, inhospitable roads carve up the area. The engagement suggested alterations to the road network to improve safety, access to existing facilities such as schools and parks, and conditions for cycling and walking.

Central Godalming Regeneration
HLM were commissioned to assist Waverley Borough Council in developing masterplan proposals for the regeneration of Godalming town centre. Waverly Borough Council identified three key sites within the town centre – including their own offices – with the potential to help solve a number of challenges and deliver improvements for the residents of Godalming.
The regeneration team were responsible for guiding the discovery of optimum solutions interpreting the vision into a range of options and uses across the three sites and assessing the design and viability potential for each site. The optimum viable solutions were shortlisted and scored against established critical success factors to determine the most appropriate solutions. The resultant project gained unanimous approval from the project board and the leader of the Council. HLM also assisted in facilitating initial public engagement.
Initial designs included new town centre housing, collaborative workspace for the Council and partners, upgraded public realm and a new high street anchor. The two main sites are situated directly adjacent to the local conservation area and the Council office development includes the extension and restoration of a local heritage façade.

Swanley Town Centre Regeneration
HLM was commissioned to masterplan and design a new future for Swanley town centre focussing on the area occupied by the existing shopping centre. Our masterplan for Swanley’s town centre gives the town a new urban centre while retaining strong echoes of Swanley’s horticultural heritage. The design creates a strong new public realm between Swanley Square and the recreation ground which will bring public transport to the town centre for the first time, as well as improving connectivity & legibility especially towards the railway station. It makes a huge step forward in the recognition of Swanley as an emerging and attractive commuter town, committed to delivering a positive social and economic change.
The project which will bring positive, transformational change to an aging shopping centre has been carefully designed with the concept of community at its heart. It will revitalise Swanley as a whole, improving the retail offer and attracting more investment and leisure to spend. We are confident that the new high quality residential and commercial space, along with a new and sustainable public realm that fosters vibrancy and inspires the people who live and work there will usher in an exciting new chapter for Swanley.
Thoughtful Design for Regeneration
Working with Public and Private sector clients we specialise in nurturing projects from their very inception using design to create effective business plans, successful funding bids and deliverable action plans which support the overarching ‘case for change’.
We tackle any scale of project from masterplanning to workplace consultancy utilising the specific sector expertise inherent within our business to provide robust, trusted advice across the board.
Our unique skills and capabilities mean that we support our clients through the ‘ideas journey’ developing projects from strategic inception through to successful completion.
Our approach encourages clients to look beyond the present and develop future planning that fosters inherent value within their organisations and communities. We are passionate about ensuring that projects of all shapes and sizes consider their whole life impact; environmentally, socially and economically.
Our mission is to assist our clients to create positive change through ambitious and aspirational projects which will inspire future generations.