We are pleased to announce that Anne Daw, Associate and Head of MMC Delivery, and Karen Mosley, Managing Director, have been confirmed as finalists for this year’s Inspiring Women in Construction and Engineering awards!
HLM continues to push for greater diversity throughout its staff and the industry, and we are incredibly proud of Karen and Anne for their recognition in these award shortlistings – congratulations!
Karen Mosley, who has been in her position since 2017 but with HLM for almost 40 years, is shortlisted in the ‘Inspirational Leadership’ category, which is aimed at women ‘who have used their positions to inspire and engage the workforce and improve outcomes for customer and their business’.
Karen’s nomination recognized the changes that she has implemented across the business, driving HLM’s ambition as a forward-thinking and progressive company where diversity, inclusion and belonging are at the forefront of the culture. Commenting on her recent win of two Institute of Director awards in 2021, the supporting statement from Philip Watson, Director and Head of Design, read:
“These accolades are testament to her commitment to personal and professional development of everyone in the business, where she truly inspires through her unwavering enthusiasm, warmth and devotion both inside and outside of HLM.”
Anne Dawe, who recently took over the role of Head of MMC Delivery due to her contributions to this area in the business, is shortlisted for the ‘Technical Excellence’ award. This category is aimed at those who ‘deliver excellence combined with innovation and collaboration to make a significant impact in the planning or delivery of a project’.
Her submission focused on the way that she has driven forward HLM’s adoption of Platform Design for Manufacture and Assembly (P-DfMA), using her industry knowledge to drive forward sustainable objectives through the use of digital tools, collaboration and staff development. Her supporting statement read:
“Anne’s education of the HLM staff and development of digital tools and design guides for architects both at HLM and for industry partners, are advancing the transformation of the architectural design portion of the MMC equation. The effect of each intervention is clearly making a difference; the sum total is exceptional.
HLM continues to push for greater diversity throughout its staff and the industry, and we are incredibly proud of Karen and Anne for their recognition in these awards – congratulations!
The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in October.
View the full shortlist here:
CN & NCE Inspiring Women 2022 – shortlist-2022 (constructionnews.co.uk)
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