Sector Overview

Positively shaping the way we live and the communities we serve

Historically, we lived in village communities formed through intimate relationships and common interests in a built environment where everyone knew and supported one another. Our design philosophy focuses on re-instating these important support mechanisms within our communities; representing the fulfilment of the natural desire to help positively shape the way we live and the communities we serve, improving our quality of life in a way which is compatible with the interests of future generations.

Anna Kiho is our Head of Residential.

Click here to download our Residential Brochure.


Rickman’s Green Village

HLM worked in collaboration with the masterplanning team at Carter Jonas to create a new rural settlement of 600 homes in West Sussex. HLM led the planning application for Phase 01, delivering 108 homes in a prominent location between the site entrance and the new local center. The team is taking a sensitive landscape-led approach to design, incorporating principles of MMC methodologies and sustainable design standards, including RIBA 2030 Sustainable Outcomes, from the overall masterplan to the design of individual house types. This will ensure that the new homes are built with minimal disruption and have a limited impact on the natural environment. The proposed development seeks to integrate the existing and historic agricultural use of the site with the rural village character of the surrounding area through a contemporary architectural language.

Carnival Place

HLM were appointed by Wokingham Borough Council to design and deliver 55 apartments as part of a wider regeneration masterplan including a new leisure hub.

The proposal for this 3-storey apartment block embodies the principles of an MMC first approach where the design was developed to accommodate either a volumetric solution or traditional construction, whilst being designed to Passivhaus principles and to achieve Net Zero Carbon in operation. The final construction proposal, currently on site, employs a panelised composite concrete system for superstructure and envelope. The contemporary vernacular style follows Georgian proportions and employs brick slips above a pre-cast concrete base.

Hollis Croft, Sheffield

HLM and Brookfield Student Real Estate (BSRE) set out to create more than just a new student accommodation in Sheffield. The goal was to create a community hub that would bring together the local university, businesses, commerce, and the wider community. The project, which opened its doors in September 2019, offers 972 student bed spaces and a range of ground floor facilities related to education and community uses.

HLM’s masterplanning approach included a series of public realm interventions to address the challenges posed by the complex and steeply sloping site. These interventions improved the accessibility and functionality of the built environment and transformed the connectivity and legibility of the local area, resulting in the creation of vibrant new places that encourage community spirit.